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Expédition en 2 jours ouvrés
Achats sécurisés
Options de paiement: Carte de crédit, PayPal ou Virement bancaire.
MASS-VIEW Degreasing Certificate

This certificate is available for all MASS-VIEW models, except the special models designed for helium and hydrogen.
Herewith Bronkhorst® declares that the delivered instrument(s) has been cleaned with Iso Propyl Alcohol in addition to the standard ultrasonic cleaning.

Note: This certificate needs to be ordered simultaneously with instrument(s) and can therefore not be ordered afterwards.

MASS-VIEW Degreasing Certificate

This certificate is available for all MASS-VIEW models, except the special models designed for helium and hydrogen.
Herewith Bronkhorst® declares that the delivered instrument(s) has been cleaned with Iso Propyl Alcohol in addition to the standard ultrasonic cleaning.

Note: This certificate needs to be ordered simultaneously with instrument(s) and can therefore not be ordered afterwards.

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